Because we know that this is not a one-size-fits-all world, you can choose from any one of CityServ’s existing modules and we can affordably customize it to your specifications.
Our permitting module is a best-in-class solution that contractors and citizens rave about. Our system makes it so easy for work to be completed by both your staff and the applicants that your MEP sections can now fo-cus on the important issues facing them.
- Secure contractor accounts that allow your licensed contractors to apply and pay for permits and their field personnel to request and follow up with inspections.
- Flexible payment options built right in allow contractors to pay as they go, or they can set up an escrow account. Pay with credit card, e-check or escrow. Now you’re flexible!
- Email confirmations at every step
- Inspections scheduled right down to the half-hour window – if you want
- No more wondering when the inspector will show up
- Dashboard tracks status of all permits and outstanding inspections in one spot

Code Enforcement
Another of our cutting-edge modules. Our code enforcement backbone provides a flexible yet thorough environment for inspectors to manage their workload efficiently and professionally. So much so, that one city has cut down the number of days that their inspectors start their day at City Hall by 60%. That’s real savings and a real boost to morale at the same time.

- Automated routing of inspection requests right to the dashboard and calendar
- Calendar on dashboard helps inspectors track status of all inspections and permits in one spot
- No more pen and paper inspections that have to be keyed in later at the office
- Upload inspection photos right from the mobile device to the inspection record
- Automated pre and post inspection correspondence to citizens
Planning and Zoning
Our P&Z module integrates the Zoning Dept right into your Building and Occupancy permit process. No more passing paper back and forth between offices or missing connections on applications. Plan Review is notified as soon as an application has been received. Notifications are sent automatically when Zoning has completed their review so everyone is literally working off of the same page.
- Select your code and ordinances from menus to be inserted in your documents
- A glossary of conditions gets built as you use them for easy input and future use
- Conditional Use and Variance hearings can be scheduled out into the future
- Applicants can request hearing dates and pay online from the convenience of their home or office

3rd Party Connections
Sometimes you need information from other parties and sometimes they need it from you. We can build those bridges for you; it’s one of our specialties. We’ve connected Cities to information silos both within and without City Hall. Electrical wiring approvals sent to the local utility to speed up service for the end-user and reduce your staff’s efforts? Done! Import information from utility providers to facilitate new inspections? Done! Who do you need to connect with? We can help you make it happen.

Just some of the connections we’ve made in CityServ:
- Health Dept
- Cultural Resources
- Accessibility Office
- Board of Public Service
- City Bidding Process
- Ameren (Electric Utility)
- Spire (Gas Utility)
- Independent Laboratories
Our customizable, enterprise permitting and land management solution lets you modernize your work process to get the most out of what you have.
Citizens, Inspectors, Contractors, and Government
We Connect All The Dots